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I am ready and willing to support the ETH Circle development and success as much as I can.
Christophe Gence
Delegate of the Board and CEO
Paprec Switzerland
I have not been active as an ETH alumnus in the past, and I am pleased to contribute through the ETH Circle now.
Hans Gut
Former President
Careum Foundation
ETH changed my world.
Ogi Stanovcic
General Manager, Strategic Alliances
Ontinue, the MDR division of Open Systems
ETH is one of the world’s best kept secrets.
Shanthi Flynn
Executive and Board Advisor
Shanthi Flynn Advisory
I like to consider myself a cheerleader for ETH.
Fabian Unteregger
Entrepreneur and Comedian
I want every ETH alumnus to experience the joy of being part of an active and thriving community.
Philip Reichen
Engineer and Entrepreneur
Stealth Startup
It all started at ETH Zurich.
Daniel Schaufelberger
Schaufelberger Consulting LLC
ETH is critically important as a source of innovation and talent for our society and economy.
Matthias Bossardt
Partner, Head of Cyber Security and Technology Risk
KPMG Switzerland
I want people to appreciate ETH way more.
Luca Di Tizio
Microcaps AG
Wherever I go and mention the ETH Circle, people are fascinated by it.
Garif Yalak
Head of Digital Transformation Healthcare and Education
CISCO Systems
I like to point out that several of the bridges in New York were built by ETH graduates.
George Szpiro
Former Correspondent
Innovation requires the connection of different brains at the right time, at the right place.
Felix Seidel Caprez
Data Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Caltech
ETH Zurich is one of the world’s top academic institutions, and its research will design the future.
Susan Kish
Executive, Entrepreneur & Strategist
Modern Switzerland is the result of ETH.
Patrick Anquetil
Founder and CEO
Portal Instruments, Inc.
Every ETH Circle meeting is too short; everyone’s story is incredibly inspiring.
Cathrin Trebeljahr
Cathrin Trebeljahr Architecte